Cov huab cua siab ntim lub thawv hepa lim-luam
DSX Thawv Cov Tshuaj Lim, Lim Lim, Cov Khoom Siv Cua, Kev Siv Tshuaj Siv Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob, Kev Tsim Tshuaj Cua, Kev Tsim Kho Huab Cua, Kev Tsim Kho Vaj Tse, Kev Raug Kev Raug, Biopharraceuticals
  • DSX Thawv Cov Tshuaj Lim, Lim Lim, Cov Khoom Siv Cua, Kev Siv Tshuaj Siv Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob, Kev Tsim Tshuaj Cua, Kev Tsim Kho Huab Cua, Kev Tsim Kho Vaj Tse, Kev Raug Kev Raug, Biopharraceuticals

Cov huab cua siab ntim lub thawv hepa lim-luam

The DSX Box-type Chemical Filter, designed specifically for Makeup Air Units (MAUs), features robust construction and superior chemical filtration capabilities. Made with galvanized steel or stainless steel 304 frames reinforced with pull strips, it utilizes chemical-free EPDM gaskets and PU sealants for safety and environmental friendliness. Available in standard sizes or customizable options, this filter enhances air quality while reducing operational costs. It's the ideal choice for your air handling needs.

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